Medar/Medatlas II
Mediterranean Data Archeology and Rescue
MAS3-CT98-0174 & ERVUC20-CT98-0103
Western Mediterranean Regional Center


Project website
Partners & links


Project Manager on behalf of IEO:
Mª Jesús García


The timely implementation of the project tasks will be insured by a technical approach both thematic and regional:

  • As carried out during the pilot MAST/MEDATLAS (MAS2-CT93-0074) project, data rescue and quality control will be implemented regionally. Each participant, who represents the National Co-ordinator for International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange at the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO, will compile and safeguard copies of the data sets dispersed in the scientific laboratories of his country, and transcode them at the common MEDATLAS format. These data sets will be checked for quality (QC) according to the common protocol based on the international IOC, ICES and EC/MAST recommendations, with automatic (objective) and visual (subjective) checks.

  • Standard sets of statistical analyses and characteristics will be computed and mapped by developing and implementing the Variational Inverse Model of MODB (MAS2-CT93-0075-BE) and the results will be qualified by appropriate new technology defined by modellers.

  • Hyperlinked WWW servers will be developed to promote the database and the Mediterranean data management.

The final product will be an electronic atlas on CDrom for dissemination of the data among a wide range of users from scientific, educational, industrial, governmental communities. It will include the observed and analysed data, maps, software and documentation. Aside the data product, it is expected to contribute to preserve the data and improve the overall level of quality, to decrease the time lag between data collection and release, to valorise the ship time by promoting second use of the data, and finally to contribute to develop sustainable regional capacity building for the Mediterranean scientific and operational programmes, by enhancing the existing data management structures through job training and workshops in data qualifying, processing, mapping and archiving.

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